Fulton Solid Waste has recycling carts available for those interested in joining the program.
Participation in recycling costs an additional $2 a month for a blue cart, which gets collected every other week.
The Fulton Solid Waste division recently purchased 100 recycling carts through a Mid-Missouri Solid Waste District grant. Approximately 70 carts are still available.
Aluminum, tin cans, plastic, cardboard, and paper can be disposed of in the recycling carts.
Some of the most common non-recyclable items the Solid Waste Division finds are styrofoam, used cat litter, glass, and clothing.
Glass can be recycled in the purple containers at the Fulton Police Department and Moser’s parking lots.
If you’re interested in joining the recycling program, contact fsl@fultonmo.org or (573) 592-3176.